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Una mirada distinta de Israel parte 4

Gilad Benari.jpg

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After the huge support, and feedback, I got on the earlier parts of "A different look at Israel", I'm happy to present the next sequel.

It's been two years now, since I released the first "A different look at Israel" and it became a project for me.

Earlier this year I did collaboration with "" and with Variety called "Whishing Tree" that was part of the huge exhibition in Reeding station, Tel Aviv. People chose their favorite piece from "A different look at Israel", took home a postcard of it, added a wish to the wishing tree that was placed there, and donated money to Variety. It was a huge success.

I am currently working on a book in the concept of "A Different look at Israel", and also giving lectures and traveling around Israel and the world, spreading my artistic point of view.

So, this is part four, a collection of my photographs, all taken in Israel.
I hope you will like the photographs shown in this presentation.
Feel free to pass this Presentation to all your friends, it's a wonderful way to say Happy Hanuka.
People deserve to know there are many faces to Israel, and just how beautiful Israel really is.
You can find the first two parts on
For more of my work -->
I wish you a Happy Hanuka!
Yours, G

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